bbPress Topic and Reply Author Change / Override

  • Update On February 21st, 2020
  • in WordPress
bbPress Topic and Reply Author Override 800x300 - bbPress Topic and Reply Author Change / Override

This post was last updated on February 21st, 2020 at 08:43 pm

Topic and Reply Author Override metabox on the right side - bbPress Topic and Reply Author Change / Override

So this tutorial is basically creating a custom "user" selection meta field under a metabox named "Topic/Reply Author Override" that will be place on the Topic/Reply edit screen.

Anything in this tutorial will work in a theme's functions.php file.

* bbPress Topic and Reply Author Override
class bbPress_Topic_and_Reply_Author_Override {
     * Constructor.
    private $match_slugs = array();
    public function __construct() {
        if ( is_admin() ) {
            add_action( 'load-post.php',     array( $this, 'init_metabox' ) );
            add_action( 'load-post-new.php', array( $this, 'init_metabox' ) );
            $this->match_slugs = array('topic', 'reply');
     * Meta box initialization.
    public function init_metabox() {
        add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', array( $this, 'add_metabox'  )        );
        add_action( 'save_post',      array( $this, 'save_metabox' ), 10, 2 );
     * Adds the meta box.
    public function add_metabox() {
            __( 'Topic Author Override', 'textdomain' ),
            array( $this, 'render_metabox' ),
            'topic', 'side', 'high'
            __( 'Reply Author Override', 'textdomain' ),
            array( $this, 'render_metabox' ),
            'reply', 'side', 'high'
     * Renders the meta box.
    public function render_metabox( $post ) {
        // Add nonce for security and authentication.
        wp_nonce_field( 'custom_nonce_action', 'custom_nonce' );
        $post_author_override = $post->post_author;
        if (is_admin() && $this->is_edit_page('new')){
            $post_author_override = wp_get_current_user()->ID;
        $users = get_users();
        $user_select = '<select id="bbp_author_override_metabox" name="post_author_override" class="">';
        if($post_author_override ==0){
            $_bbp_anonymous_name = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_bbp_anonymous_name', true);
            $user_select .= '';
        //Leave the admin in the list
        foreach($users as $user) {
            $selected = ($post_author_override == $user->ID)?'selected="selected"':'';
            $user_select .= '<option value="'.$user->ID.'"'.$selected.'>'.$user->display_name.' ('.$user->user_login.')</option>';
        $user_select .='</select>';
        echo $user_select;
     * Handles saving the meta box.
     * @param int     $post_id Post ID.
     * @param WP_Post $post    Post object.
     * @return null
    public function save_metabox( $post_id, $post ) {
        // Add nonce for security and authentication.
        $nonce_name   = isset( $_POST['custom_nonce'] ) ? $_POST['custom_nonce'] : '';
        $nonce_action = 'custom_nonce_action';
        // Check if nonce is set.
        if ( ! isset( $nonce_name ) ) {
        // Check if nonce is valid.
        if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce_name, $nonce_action ) ) {
        // Check if user has permissions to save data.
        if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post_id ) ) {
        // Check if not an autosave.
        if ( wp_is_post_autosave( $post_id ) ) {
        // Check if not a revision.
        if ( wp_is_post_revision( $post_id ) ) {
        // Check to match the slug
        if(!in_array($post->post_type, $this->match_slugs)){
        if ( ! wp_is_post_revision( $post_id ) ){

            // unhook this function so it doesn't loop infinitely

            if ( isset($_POST['post_author_override']) ) {
                //$args = array('ID'=>$post_id,'post_author'=>$_POST['post_author_override']);
                //wp_update_post( $args );
                // re-hook this function
                global $wpdb;
	        $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE `".$wpdb->prefix . "posts` SET `post_author` = '".$_POST['post_author_override']."' WHERE `ID` = ".$post_id));
    * is_edit_page
    * function to check if the current page is a post edit page
    public function is_edit_page($new_edit = null){
        global $pagenow;
        //make sure we are on the backend
        if (!is_admin()) return false;
        if($new_edit == "edit")
            return in_array( $pagenow, array( 'post.php',  ) );
        elseif($new_edit == "new") //check for new post page
            return in_array( $pagenow, array( 'post-new.php' ) );
        else //check for either new or edit
            return in_array( $pagenow, array( 'post.php', 'post-new.php' ) );
new bbPress_Topic_and_Reply_Author_Override();

I hope this code snippets helped you to create a solution to change the author of a topic/reply in bbPress forum. You may also want to see my other tutorial to create WordPress Login, Logout Menu Link Without a Plugin.

About This Author

My name is Parameshwar Roy (P. Roy), and I am a web developer. This is my personal blog to record my own thoughts. Though I am not a natural writer, I love to share my experiences. Hope my experiences will be useful to more about me


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  • Thank you, works great.

    Clive 7 years ago Reply

  • Works great for posts of registered users.
    Is there also a way to make this work for posts of anonymous users? If I edit a topic created by an anonymous poster on wp-admin/post.php?post=&action=edit, I get the “Topic Author Override” dropdown box and can select a registered author. But after updating the topic page the change is neither shown in the topic list in the backend nor in the forum.

    Bernardo 6 years ago Reply

    • I am having the same problem as Bernardo, often I want to use the guest name, any idea how to fix it ? at the moment I turn off the plugin if I don’t want to change it.

      Clive 5 years ago Reply

      • Sorry it is not the same as Bernardo and seems to have started with the bbpress update, if a guest writes a post and I edit that post before approving it as I normally add tag lines to the post, it now removes the guest name and email. I have to disable the plugin if I do not want to change the username.

        Clive 5 years ago Reply

  • Just wanted to change a reply Author from guest to a user and it will not change it, it just makes it anonymous, I had to go into database to change it.

    Could you please say if you are not longer supporting this plugin.

    Clive 5 years ago Reply

  • Works great. Thanks alot!

    Alex 5 years ago Reply

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